Moments with KevweπŸ₯‚
1 min readJul 25, 2022

A Conversation with Delight

Spending virtual time with a friend

This conversation occurred about a month ago and I had previously shared it on my blogging account on Hive. So, I am just going to share it here again. Now, let's get into the momentπŸ˜…πŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈ

This is a picture of me and Delight.

It was June 24th, 2022. I had spent most of my day speaking to Delight. Her voice echoed beautifully as she conversed with me from the bathroom. That day was hairwash day for Delight.

"I've never seen my curls this beautiful," she said 30 minutes into our conversation. From school life, to extra curricular activities, to talk about stressful house chores, hair and career goals, we did what friends do best. We spent virtual time together.

I've been friends with Delight for 3 years now. And I miss her everyday.


Do you have friends you get to spend virtual time with? When was the last time you talked with them? This might just be a good time to say 'Hello.'